Phrase Ambiguities
I have been practicing SS/NLP for about 4 months. My skill level is basic. As with anything dealing with the mind - the more you learn - the more there is to learn.

I give credit where I can, usually initials beside the example. RJ (Ross Jeffries), DJ (David Johnson, me), ASF Alt.seduction.fast, JF (Jay Formhandle and his site), Maniac (pickupguide), Scorp (Dan Scorpio), Rio (Rio)

When I first began to research NLP, I read everything I could find in my area on the subject.

Trance-formations - Bandler & Grinder
Frogs into Princes - Bandler & Grinder
Seduction Newsletter
FastSeduction FAQ
Dan Scorpio's site

I realized the only way to truly understand and appreciate what I had learned was to use it! Practice until it hurts. Once I practiced it - even a little, everything that I read had a new meaning. I went back over the basics, re-read what I thought I knew.

For full TEXT of this website

My influences and guides along these twisty-turny roads have been and continue to be:

Ross Jeffries - www.seduction.com
Richard Bandler and John Grinder (NLP)
(Jay Formhandle)
(Maniac's site)
The Mindlist

Email me : David Johnson at johnsonholding@purpleturtle.com